This week for my wish list I have chosen 4 things I would like to do soon..Listen to Grace Lightman sing at Paper Dress Vintage , 2nd November.Grace has just released a new single Repair Repair, maybe her best yet, and if you haven't seen her David Lynch esque music video for Faultless, you should watch it right now. The line up for the night includes Flyte, whose music is super upbeat and fun and just a little catchy, and Screaming Peaches, formerly Movie who do great lyrics. A perfect way to cheer up a Tuesday - but best of all you get to see Grace sing live. Get tickets here.Hear Maggi Hambling talk about her work at Potterton Books London, 26th October.Maggi has had a prolific career as an artist, and her drawings are currently being shown in a retrospective at The British Museum. Responsible for a number of hugely controversial works including the Scallop on Aldeburgh beach, Maggi is always shown with cigarette in hand and a slight scowl on the face. I am really intrigued to hear her talk about her work.
Read Peter Vaughan's story Nespo which has just been published by Biot Books.Peter was the first person to let me interrogate him about what he does with his time (read about it here) and I can't wait to read this mysterious story, buy it here.
Watch the latest series of No Such Thing as the News (NSTATN to the big fans) on BBC2, Fridays at 23.35, catch it on iPlayer.If you haven't watched this yet, please do - it is really interesting and super funny, I love that the four of them (hey Andy, James, Anna and Dan) just enjoy themselves so much. They are the team behind the No Such Thing as a Fish podcasts - the QI elves who have gone a little rogue.