So yesterday I was set a challenge - a friend needed some letters 💌 delivering for work, and as they were all going to a similar area it seemed silly to post them. As I apparently have oodles of time, I offered to play Postman Pat and deliver them by hand on my bicycle 🚴.There were 14 in total, so I put the letters in my basket, and having planned my route, pootled off. It was a fun exercise in modern orienteering 📉🚵 - I plotted my route on Map Quest, screenshot it, then used google maps as a reference on my phone 📞 when I got stuck. There is probably a far more efficient way of doing this, but I quite enjoyed stopping and checking my 'map' 📉📞. It took me two hours and I only lost my bearings once, and found some really quite magnificent houses 🏰. It was good to get out in the fresh air, and take some exercise - exercise is definitely good.Something that has been a little trying over the last week is the hot water situation in the house. It is on a timer ⏳, and therefore comes on twice a day at normal hours (i.e. in the morning before work and in the evening after work). I came unstuck last week when I REALLY wanted a hot bath 🛀 after cycling 🚴 into central London and back, and I got into a very luke warm bath. It was truly horrid. I could of course change the hot water settings 📲, however I don't think I should be doing that (it is good to keep a normal working day mentality), I don't actually know how to (I need a lesson Tom) and I'm not sure I would be allowed to.. 😉😁I do love having a bath 🛀 though, so I waited until 6.30pm ⏰ yesterday evening and had such a nice hot 🔥 bath. Baths are truly great, and bathtime is something of a ritual. I do enjoy a nice scented candle 🎆, and bubble bath, but I don't tend to wallow for long, I can't read in the bath (I always drop things) and I not a fan of the lengthy bath prune look. I do sometimes paint my nails 💅, - yesterday was Max Factor Diva Coral - and listen to a story tape (podcast) 🎶, often 'No Such Thing As A Fish' - maybe the best podcast / listening material, ever 😊. All of my housemates 🛀🛀🛀🛀 are bath people - which is great (we have two baths 🛁🛁 in the house which is ideal) - I don't quite trust people who don't enjoy baths. I KNOW this is controversial - all that stuff about wallowing in your own dirt etc etc. But it's just so nice to immerse yourself in all that hot water, it's the best way to relax. I'm going to stop freaking you all out with my love of baths now... but just a quick fun photo of my current bath products:
Ortigia Geranium bath salts : because someone gave me some Ortigia hand soap last year, and I have developed a real love 💗 for this brand, as it smells amazing and the packaging is glorious. I particularly like the geranium products, and treated myself to some bath salts for Christmas. Also the people in the Sloane Square shop are really lovely.Nutrogena Pink Grapefruit face wash: my housemate got me into this, I like the smell , it's leaves a nice clean feel (well done face wash) and it's pink 💓.Avalon Organics Lemon bath and shower gel: This is nice and lemony 🍋, I love the smell, and makes me feel sort of good about myself - no parabens (I think), recyclable, good for the environment.Badedas bubble bath: A classic, it creates proper bubbles and lasts forever.Lavender Room, Blackcurrent and Tomato candle: this smells similar to the Jo Malone Blackberry and Bay scent, but possibly even better, 😊🎆🍎 and for a quarter of the price (Sorry Jo, I do also love your things A LOT 😍.)